So we were having trouble with early wakings about a week ago, they are better but not totally gone. It was suggested that I cut his naps a bit so Sunday I was fully intending to but he was either OT, too wound up or still in pain from a very minor "rough house with Daddy" session. Here is what the last two days looked like:
woke at 6
tried for a nap at 12:45 but it was a no go.
Slept for an hour in the car while running errands.
Went to bed at 8:30, pretty late for him.
woke at 6:45.
woke at 6:45
nap from 1-2:30 ( I had to wake him up)
Bed at 7:30
woke this morning at 5:30 and came and dozed in our bed, up for the day at 5:50
What am I doing WRONG!?!?! I am soooo afraid of OT and sometimes he looks so tired I feel like cutting his naps isnt effective but other times it lengthens his wake up time. Is it just a phase? Am I over thinking it? I'm trying to hard to be flexible and just let his sleep happen but I'm 20 weeks along with #2 and I really cant give up naps and be getting up pre-6am. Wes is 2.5 this month, let me know what you gals think about how to handle it.