Hi all. I have some questions and I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I realize that every LO is different and one LO can't really be compared to other LO's, but maybe some of you have been through a similar experience and could give me some support. I'm feeling pretty low right now. To make a long story short DD is 5.5 months old now and we've been dealing with horrible reflux since she was 4 weeks old. We do have the reflux under control (being managed with meds by a pediatric GI doc), but here is our current issue. DD is EBF and we went to the GI doc yesterday for check up/ medication adjustment and it was discovered that she has not gained any weight since her 4 month check up. That means she hasn't gained any weight in 1.5 months! (Prior to this she had been gaining weight really well. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. at birth and, as I said, was 14 lbs. 7 oz at 4 months!) I FEEL AWFUL!!!! Maybe I shouldn't feel this way, but I feel like it is TOTALLY my fault because she is EBF! I feel like I should have noticed something was wrong and gone to the doctor sooner. DD is much different than my DS was at this age, but as I said, I realize every LO is different and I just thought this was how she was. She nurses at about 7 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 5 pm and 6:45 pm every day and then wakes usually 1-2 times during the night to nurse. It was getting pretty exhausting for me because she was often waking as early as 10 or 11 pm to nurse and then again around 2 or 3 am, so I was only getting about 2.5-3 hours of continuous sleep twice a night. That's fine at the newborn stage, but after 5.5 months it gets pretty tiring and frustrating. (DS was sleeping 11-12 hours straight around 4-5 months old without a DF, so this waking every few hours wasn't what I was used to, but thought it was just how DD was.) So, I feel like things are just really bad right now. I feel like my DD isn't getting the nourishment she needs and my body isn't doing the job it was meant to do. I am dairy and soy-free due to intolerance in DD, so I keep thinking maybe the lack of dairy and fat in my diet has affected the quality of my milk. DD did go through a brief period about 1.5-2 months ago when she was sleeping 8-12 hours straight at night, but that ended and never returned. I just thought GS at first, but when it continued I just assumed this was how it would be with her until she was eating solids. Which brings me to my next concern. The GI doc recommended that I start DD on solids immediately 1-2 times per day. This is fine (although I waited until 6.5 months with DS) because obviously she needs more than she's getting, but I'm concerned that by giving solids my milk supply/quality will go down even more since she will be taking in some of her calories through cereal. I've read a lot of the research about feeding solids to EBF babies too early and they say that at this age LO's don't just add to their daily calorie intake, but actually start to replace BM with solids. I don't want this to happen!!!! What can I do to avoid it and how do I know how much cereal/solids she needs while still taking in the necessary amount of BM. I gave her oatmeal with EBM yesterday evening and she gobbled it up! She took 2 T. of oatmeal with 2-3 oz. of EBM and then STTN 12 hours!!! Obviously, this is fabulous, but my main concern isn't her STTN, it's her getting the nutrition she needs to be healthy and grow and meet all of her milestones. The STTN is just a bonus once her health needs are met!! So, I guess I'm asking what other mom's have done in similar situations? How do I make sure she takes in the amount of BM she needs when she's already nursing 5 times during the day and 1-2 times during the night? I NEVER had milk supply issues with my DS (I was a milk machine!) and I'm not sure I have issues now, but for some reason she isn't gaining weight! I hope that someone can offer me some positive info. Like maybe this is normal (wishful thinking) and things are going to get better and she won't stop taking in BM and my supply won't be affected and she'll start gaining weight like she's supposed to. Anyway, just really need to hear something good now because all I can think about is that my baby is going hungry. I'm second guessing myself about everything. When she starts fussing now I worry that she didn't nurse enough or that my breast milk isn't good enough for her. I know this will pass, but as I said, I just want to know that my LO is healthy, happy and gaining weight! Sorry for the pity party, just need some support. Thank you all in advance for reading through this mess!!!!