I've been avoiding this for a long time, I've been in denial.
DS is 15 months now. Our main issue when starting out was feeding to sleep. And its something that I've struggled with the whole time. He still has 3 BFs per day and is on 1 nap. But for the last little while that BF has been getting closer to nap time and now I am feeding to sleep...again! What an idiot! At night I BF if before bed some nights he doesn't fall asleep on the boob some nights he does...its the day nap thats the real problem. We went traveling and its so much easier to deal with jet lag and the myriad other issues traveling brings up with the boob....I have to do something about it. I plan to stop BFing at 24 months if he doesn't self wean before then (unlikely, loves his boob) I am worried that its just around the corner and not only will I have to wean him from the boob but I will also have to try and re-teach a 2 year old how to get himself to sleep...
I feel like such a fool for letting this happen...argh!
Your support, encouragement and experiences would be much appreciated
hating myself a bit right now, that I've put him in this position again, and he will have to suffer again to unlearn my lazy mistake.