We have really fallen off track and the eay wakes are making things impossible. So now a typical day goes like this:
awake 5-.5.30 (today was 5)
eat 6.15 milk
eat 7.30/8 solids
nap 9- I used to do 3 hours after waking but have to take ds to pre school some days so didn't want to do different things on different days so stuck to 9am. She will sleep from anything from 1 hour to 1 hour 45 mins.
11.30 lunch
1pm nap (this changes with her morning nap as is 3 hours after waking from first nap) I struggle to get more than an hour for this nap)
2.30 milk
4.30 dinner
5.30 bath followed by milk
6 bed Would like it to be later but makes day too long. We were on a 7-7 easy up until about 10 days ago