Author Topic: 2 year old DD attention seeking at bedtime - ends in tears...  (Read 1692 times)

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2 year old DD attention seeking at bedtime - ends in tears...
« on: February 07, 2011, 21:50:45 pm »
Hi all

my DD has just turned 2 and is having major issues with bedtime at the moment - there has been alot going on recently so I know this has contributed - im struggling to see an end and im fearing that my little sweet girl is turning into an all day tantrum throwing terrible 2!

I have a 5 wk old baby and this is where it started - she still gets jealous of him and is scared when he cries, she has recently taken to hitting him repeatedly (a whole other issue!!), when I was in hospital she also came down with a virus and was staying with ILs she was so traumatised at not having mummy for 3 days (she has never had a full day without me) when I came home she just clung to me and cuddled me for hours! Then she started rejecting me and looking at me horribly when I fed DS... bedtime was still ok for 2 wks then all hell broke loose!!

then daddy decided to move her into her new room as she had been asking for it for ages and he thought shed love it (plus we need to get DS in her old room at some point) she moved in her new room just 3 days ago but the tantrums have been going on for about 3 wks now - it started with a runny nose that she kept asking us to wipe for her over and over again , then just went on to other requests...cuddles, blanket off, take blanket name it! and whatever we do is wrong - she will want no blanket then as soon as we take it off she says blanket on and screams...

I have been doing WI/WO with her but how do I handle these requests?

also last 2 nights its turned into full blown crying after a while - tonight it hit an all time low and took her until 9.15 to settle (bedtime is 7.30) wi/wo maybe has been done wrong cos I speak to her and give her a kiss when she seems to need it so maybe thats where im going wrong - plus daddy has no patience and goes downstairs and leaves it a minute before going back in when she is just fake crying and shouting - probably need consistancy but how?

she was napping 2 hours in day before the virus then when she started refusing bedtime I capped it at 1.5 hrs...she was doing 12 hour nights and 2 hour naps before all this happened with no issues...

over the last week she has also started playing up at naps so taking 30 mins longer to fall asleep then waking up after just an hour crying for me but then stops as soon as I go in to get her...

I really think its all the changes that have caused this and not any sleep need changes - MIL insists that she needs to drop the nap but I really dont think that will help - or would it?

thanks in advance!

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Re: 2 year old DD attention seeking at bedtime - ends in tears...
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 22:04:57 pm »
No, I don't think at all that she is ready to drop the nap.  If anything she might be getting OT if she is losing sleep at bedtime and naptime.  I think you are right and it is more likely due to all the changes and less due to sleep needs/routine, but that could be playing a part as well.

What does her routine look like at the moment?

Obviously her world has been rocked to the core lately and I will bet that is one of the main problems.  Do you and DH try to spend a lot of 1 on 1 time with her?  I find that when my DS1 is playing up at sleep times it is because he feels like he hasn't had enough mommy or daddy time (usually it's more daddy time he wants  ::))

I would try to designate some time every day that is focused completely, 100% on her.  She might be needing some undivided attention which is hard to come by when a new baby is around I know.  But it's very important.  I know this is something I have struggled with too since DS2 came along and need to work on more 1 on 1 time with DS1.
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Re: 2 year old DD attention seeking at bedtime - ends in tears...
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2011, 22:13:14 pm »
(((hugs))) It's so hard when there is a new lo and everything goes to pot with the old one - particularly when things have been going so well before.

Firstly, I suspect that you might be battling some OT issues.  Not so much that her sleep needs have changed, but that she has been ill and stressed and battling with you for a couple of weeks and needs a bit to catch up.  My first move would be to try putting her down for her nap about 15 mins earlier than usual - not a huge amount, but hopefully enough to catch her before she goes over the edge, iyswim.  And I would also bring bedtime earlier on any day when her nap isn't as long as you believe she needs it to be.

I have often found that behavioural things that seem unrelated to sleep get a lot better when OT is taken out of the equation.

Secondly, I would give her as much reassurance and as many cuddles as you can possibly manage.  I remember how hard it was to carve out time for number 1 when number 2 came along, so you have to be really aware of how much time number 1 is getting.  If you can, I would aim to read her stories whenever you are feeding, so that she sees feeding time as a time when you can sit down and snuggle with her and pay her attention.  If your ds is sleeping, you should try to do something that she likes with her, and if you can you should try to create a bedtime routine that has a part which is not to be disturbed for any reason - with my 2, I used to feed dd2 after bath while I sang some songs with dd1, then take dd1 downstairs to watch some tv while I put dd2 down.  Then after the programmes were finished, I would take dd1 up to her room and read her a story - and even if dd2 cried during that time (maximum of 10 minutes), I wouldn't go to her as I felt it was important for dd1 to know that sometimes she was my top priority.

Thirdly, I would make a plan for the messing around at bedtime and stick to it (and go through it with dh beforehand and get him to agree to it as well if he is going to be involved in bedtime).  For us, when we had the endless calling back, we addressed all the likely requests before the light went out (last cuddle, last drink of water, check that she had every toy she wanted etc) and then after that every time we had to go back we were firm that she had everything she needed and it was sleepy time.  I suspect that you will find she adapts to it more quickly if you don't give her a kiss - I got caught in the "cuddle trap" where clearly dd1 was getting something out of me coming back so it was worth it for her to call me.  After the night where I was called back 15 times for "one last cuddle", I stopped going past the door to tell her it was time to sleep.

And lastly, I really doubt that dropping the nap would help - and I am fairly sure it would make things much worse.  Stick to your mummy instinct - it's normally right.