My DD is 7 months and we're working away at expanding her range of foods, so I'm trying meat at the moment, and slightly lumpier things like mashed banana rather than pureed. She's gagging on things fairly often and vomited once.
I know it's normal enough for these things to happen while she's learning, and that really it's actually a good thing. But it freaks me out terribly. I'm emetophobic so the gagging isn't just worrying in the normal worried mama sense, it actually scares me to the extent that I find it hard to stay in the room with her. I don't really know how to deal with this. I don't want her to pick up on my terror, but the only way I can relax is by giving her nice safe food that she can't gag on.
I'm back in work full time and my parents give her most of her meals, so they've said they'll keep trying the more challenging stuff, but it's just not a great solution. Does the gagging stage last long? Can anyone suggest an approach to this? Even just tell me, over and over, that she's okay and it's normal. I don't think I could hear that too often
Thanks : )