I would really like some advice on my dd night wakings. We dont have the day naps sorted out yet, but they are getting better, and I really need to get some more sleep at night as i have 2.5 year old and fighting post partum depression as well.
I am not sure what the problem is, she wakes anywhere from every hour of the night to being able to sleep 6.5 hrs in a row....every night is a different time in waking so I dont think its habit - except that she wants her soother back in.
I am not sure if it is something we are doing during the day, or if its food (she eats 5 bottles of 5-6oz during the day and one 5oz during the night) or reflux (the dr didnt seem to think so but gave us some meds to try - we are going to start trying tonight) or just the connection to her soother (do we have to get rid of it???)
Please have a look at our EASY (or what we can make of it) and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
awake- 7:30
A-8:20-9:15 (there usually is a 10-15 min downtime before nap)
S-9:15-10 (I usually can't extend this nap)
E-10:45-11 (sometimes when she wakes earlier she wants to eat earlier than 3hrs, and she's grumpy until I feed her)
S-11:30-12:15 (sometimes I can get 1 hr - 1hr 15min by extending)
E-1:45 ***this is where EASY gets messed up
S-2:00-4:00 (this nap I can usually get 1hr30-2hr by extending it, some days are easier than others)
A-6:45-7:45 (bath and ready for bed)
During the night she wakes anywhere from 3-10 times per night, usually she has got out of her swaddle or lost her soother - all we do is reswaddle and replug, we never pick her up or rock her back to sleep. She has been able to sleep 6.5 hrs even after losing her soother and some nights its only 2-3 hrs in a row if we're lucky. She eats 1 5 oz bottle sometime between 3-5am and goes back to sleep.