Hi everyone,
Whenever i have a problem or something needs a tweak with my 18mo's routine i ask here!
DS is now 18mo and a great fella, in creche full time and is a spirited little man
However he is an early riser, a 5 am early riser
and i need your help please or advise !
He has generally one nap in the day at creche which lasts approx 2 hours, he goes to bed every night at 7 am (routine in place since 7 weeks old) and he goes down really well. However he stirs throughout the night and we give him a soother to go back to sleep etc, he is teething too which doesnt help. anyway....
Frequent night wakings are a constant - i can count on one hand the amount of nights we all slept through, one of us is usually up at least 1-2 a night.
Then at 5 am Hello World! i have tried everything i can think of to settle him back. He sleeps in a dark room with black out blinds (though the birds have been chirping lately at 4.30am so don't know if they are disturbing him!), is not too warm, too cold, not hungry (if i offered a bottle at 5 he would think its really awake time!) soother, shhusshing and patting saying sleepy time etc and nope nothing works!
Help! - any suggestions and i know im probably asking the impossible
Thanks in advance
Claire xx