Dear Vally, dear Deb, dear Rachel,
thank you so much for your support! It helps me so much to know that there are other mums out there, who went through the same thing. My DH and I have agreed that we're going to be a bit less hard on us and our LO and that we use the BW as a guide not as a bible.
My LO is BF only, according to my midwife she latches on well, I try and burp her everytime she feeds, but sometimes it doesn't work. D
Last night my DH tried to put her into bed at stage 3, but she wouldn't settle and she started to cry really, really hard. I think it was colic (shrill cries, wouldn't settle even on us, curled tongue like lizard, flailing arms, pulling legs up), but I'm sure she was overtired as well, because she slept so little the last 3 days. I fed her at 10:30 pm, let her settle a bit on my chest, then put her on her back on my legs and let her fall asleep for ca. 10 min. I then put her back in to her crib and she fell asleep. This way we use to do it in the nights and she always goes back to sleep straight away. Sometimes we even put her into the crib at stage 3, she fusses a bit, but eventually falls asleep.
This morning we had a little success. I fed her at 08:30. I got a phone call from a friend who is a new mum as well. She reassured me, so I guess my voice sounded relaxed. I saw my LO going into stage 3, so I put her down in our bed, left the room and left the door open. She listened to my voice in the other room, with her eyes open, she talked a bit to herself and eventually fell asleep all on her own!
I will try to try a little less, because I am convinced, that my LO feels my tension, when I sit in front of the crib, praying she will fall asleep. I just hope we'll find a good way to get her to sleep a bit more independently during the day.
Thanks again, I am feeling a lot better now and am glad having found this forum!