Author Topic: Time Change Messing Things Up!  (Read 774 times)

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Offline bensmuma

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Time Change Messing Things Up!
« on: March 19, 2011, 19:34:54 pm »
So, it's actually in our favor this time change in a 10mos dd is waking @730, awake for 3 hrs. The 'problem' is that if her morning nap is long (like 1.5-2 hours) her afternoon nap doesn't come until around 1500-1530! Which puts wake up now just before 5pm. It's funny because a few weeks ago we were struggling to drop the cat nap doing 6pm bedtimes, now I have to put her down later like 1945! Is anyone else encountering this? I suppose I could just go with it, since the days are getting warmer and brighter. What do you guys think?

I forgot to add, this also messing up milk times! Since she wakes @ 0730 , she bf's at 0745 then 1145 (later if she has a long nap) and so on. Does it really matter if I BF at 430pm then solids at 530pm then bf again @ 730pm?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 19:53:00 pm by bensmuma »

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Re: Time Change Messing Things Up!
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2011, 22:50:28 pm »
Hi Hun, at this age you could start following a long nap/short nap, so the PM nap maybe more of a CN, around 45 mins and so you can still have a bedtime around 07.00 pm. As for E times, you could go beyond 4 hrs, especially that your lo is having more solids now.
Adam's Mum

Offline bensmuma

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Re: Time Change Messing Things Up!
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 23:57:59 pm »
Thanks! So if say she has a long morning nap, wake her in the afternoon after 45min and to bed @7? I was thinking that might be the case but it's so strange having just dropped the 3rd catnap and now we're waking her from the second! And we are going longer between milk feeds inevitably at this point so good to know all is well! Now I have to drop the night feed  :-\ not looking forward to that battle!