His medical condition is a narrowed airway, we have had three ER visits since October but no admissions, he does get nebulizer masks for two weeks at home when he gets a cold.
Routine - well thats hard, I work shift work, so somedays he's at daycare, some days he's with me and some days its Daddy days
Generally lately he's up about 530-630am, easy going morning, breakfast, quiet tv time, play, goes to daycare @ 8am (if thats' the day) He will usually go down around 130pm for a now one hour nap (he would sleep 3hrs there if she let him). He comes home for 430pm. Evenings involve just playtime/tv time/supper etc We bath every other night with big brother usually around 630, in time to get out for 7pm snack and quiet tv time @ 730 (if Mommy is home) its teeth brushed, story time, goodnight to big brother then we sit with music, rock for a few minutes (just like we've always done) and put him to bed. Now though since moving to big bed we sit in the room, its taking anywhere from 20-60 min to fall asleep for him. Yesterday we figured he'd go right to sleep as he napped from 11am-12pm but it was 9pm before he settled, we've gone in and out and returned him to bed 30+ times, we've put the baby gate on the door and last night i gave up cuz honestly after awhile he voice changed to a terfied one
so i know he doesn't have the most consistent schedule due to a mommy that works 12 hr day and night shift but like i said, for 28 months life with him has been good