My LO is 10 wks tomorrow, 3/25. until now, she's BF only, every two hours or so. She is pretty good at night, sleeping at 8pm, giving us a 4-6 hour stretch of sleep followed by every two hour wake ups, usually up for the day by 530-6am.
However, since this schedule can go out the window, with sleeping by 5pm and very strange days of no napping and then constant napping, I started to research last night, and learned about DFs and this site. I've been wanting to get her on a schedule and with your assistance yesterday, tried to start today. So, I have a question, after I tell you her day today.
(BTW, she is senstive to my diet, and if I have anything acidic, garlicy, caffienated, or chocolate, or excessively green like a big salad, she will be especially reflux-y. Broccoli is out of the question. Otherwise, she is mildly to moderately reflux-y.)
Here is what led up to an attempt at her midday nap:
530PM - S
730PM - woke her for E, slightly awake until 9:30, in and out, sleeping on her dad's lap. Looks like I did a dream feed, maybe, without even knowing it!
930PM - S (in co sleeper)
1030PM - DF
10:45 - S
2am - A
210AM - E, followed by reflux, picking up and down until 4am.
4AM - S
645AM - A
7AM - E
8AM - S
915AM - A
930AM - E
play/walk in carriage
1115AM - E
1145AM - S <----this is what failed. Prior to, she had that 11:15 feeding followed by me walking around with her laying on her side in the crook of my arm, which sooths her, kept her in the crib until 12:45PM.
1245PM - E - up, until now
During this nap attempt, she would almost sleep, then be crying. I tried having her go in the crib, doing Shh, PU/PD, burping, a quick diaper change. Apart from the obvious that maybe she had gas or a burp that I couldn't get up, I can't figure out why she wouldn't sleep, she was half way there. But I am ok with it, if she didn't want to, we'll try again tomorrow. (unless anyone has insights on this which I'd be grateful for.)
But my question is, what happens now? Is she not tired? She seems tired. When this nap is missed, do you try again or wait for the next nap time?, which I had thought would be around 330PM - 5PM. Here's what I thought the rest of the day could look like, but that would now be out the window, and napping now isn't going well. What would you do? Is waiting till the 330 the best option, or do I keep trying. Seems like extending and waiting for the 330 could make her OT?
1145AM - S (supposedly)
1PM - A
115PM - E
3PM - E
330PM - S
5PM - A
7PM - E
730 - bath
8PM - S
10-1030PM - DF