OK, i know most of you are dealing with much younger ones, but i also know your eyes are the ones i need here to figure out if this is what is happening....
DD is 4
i notice we go through spells with her where her behaviour is really aggressive /talking back/pushing and shoving/not listening where normally she isn't like that - i always linked the behaviour to her being tired as it always happens when we are busy at our house.
but now we are away from home and i know she is rested, she is sleeping in the room with me and i know she is sleeping her normal 11.5-12 hours each night. her mommy cup is as full as i can get it, but she is still aggressive. now what i realize in discussion with DH is that she has been having a lot of milk and a lot more sugar than usual (because we are traveling and it was her birthday).
can an intolerance to milk and/or sweet cause this behaviour? and if i cut out the sweet (but for the natural stuff in fruit she always has) and cut the milk back as much as possible (can't completely remove dairy because we are staying with friends for a few weeks) do you think that i will see an improvement?
help!!! my baby is miserable and we are really struggling!!!!!!!!!