DD is MSPI intolerant, actually the allergist said it is a mild allergy. She has reflux as well. She has been on Nutramigen since about 5 weeks and now at 6 months the pead wants to try Neocate. She is also on a thickener for her formula to help the reflux. Since starting to really thicken her feeds the reflux seems better but her tummy is really bothering her. She has terrible gas pains that keep her uncomfortable all night. The thickener we were using was simply thick which is made from water and xanthan gum. The allergist said it could be bothering her and to stop it. So now we're a little stuck. I'm having to research thickeners that are dairy and soy free and aren't based on xanthan gum. I've come across two (Kingsmill Quick Thick and Thick and Clear). The Quick Thick is made from modified corn starch and maltodextrin and the Thik and Clear is made from cellulose gum and dextrin. I'm just wondering if anyone's LO has had to use any of these and if so if there has been a reaction. Any help would be appreciated.