Author Topic: 17 week old still wakes twice a night?  (Read 1722 times)

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Offline rachelusc

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17 week old still wakes twice a night?
« on: April 07, 2011, 17:40:32 pm »
Hello, DS is 17 weeks today and is a large 17 pounds (7.7 kg).  He has had some reflux early on that led to small feeds (2-3 oz) but is now taking much larger feeds (4-5 oz).  However, he has begun waking for his dream feed (used to be 10:30 pm, he now wakes at 9:30) and also wakes again around 1:30 or 2 for a feed.  As recently as 2 weeks ago he was only eating 19-22 oz per day, and now he is up to 24-28, but he is still waking like clockwork. 

When is it ok to start trying to cut these feeds? 

Should I make him wait until later in the night, say 3am?

Should I give smaller feeds to wean him? 


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Re: 17 week old still wakes twice a night?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 19:55:41 pm »
Are the nightfeeds having an impact on his first feed of the day? If they aren't and he is genuinly hungry I think you may have to leave them for a bit longer. One feed after a DF is still normal at this age, and if it has been at least 4 hours after the DF I personally would rather just feed and get back to sleep quickly than resettle and then be up a short time later to feed.

How many feeds is he having a day? 4-5oz is quite a small feed for a 4 month old and there is a big growth spurt around 4 months so he could be in need of the DF and nightfeed still. Have you tried a faster flow teat to try and get bigger feeds in the day? Post your routine so we can see how your day works and we may be able to make suggestions to help get more calories in the day!


Offline rachelusc

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Re: 17 week old still wakes twice a night?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 20:07:53 pm »
Here is a basic day.  Still struggling with inconsistent naps so...

7am - wake and feed (4/5oz if we only give him 2/3 oz around 3am, if he eats after 3am, then 2-3 oz)
8:45 - sleep

10:15/30 - wake and feed (4/5 oz)
12:00 - sleep

1:30 - wake and feed (4/5 oz)
3:15 - sleep

4:30/5:00 - wake and feed (4/5 oz)
7:00 - try to top off, but sometimes refuses - then he wakes for DF

9:30 - wake for dream feed

1:30/2:30 (depending on time of DF) - wake and feed

My concern is that when he has a feeding at 1:30, he seems to wake early and want to eat around 6am - way too early.  If we make him wait at 1:30, he will have a later feeding and then sleep til 6:30/6:45.  If we feed him more than 5 oz he spits up everywhere...but maybe soon.