Author Topic: short naps/long A times but STTN  (Read 1124 times)

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short naps/long A times but STTN
« on: April 12, 2011, 08:33:15 am »
Hi there,

I'm just wondering if anyone else is driving themselves mad constantly worrying and stressing about naps, trying to work out A times etc.?
I know short naps aren't ideal, but if they are then followed by a decent 11-12hr nighttime sleep, which presumably would combat any OT, is that ok?? Or is it beginning a downward OT slope?!
I often get one decent nap a day and the other shorter, and sometimes only two short ones (a third nap then refused as so OT).
So, if I get a good 1.5hr morning one, I'll then probably get a 35-45min avo one, leaving a long A until BT, or vice versa. I rarely get two long naps a day. But my boy (7.5mths) doesn't get irritable with OT, so the day isn't a struggle - just hard work!

Would be interested to hear anyone else's views/experiences...

Offline mum2girls

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Re: short naps/long A times but STTN
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 07:31:44 am »
I cant really offer any advice but thought I would let you know my DD has been a short napper since she was about 6weeks.  I have spent many of days thinking i was doing something wrong etc etc, but i just figured thats how she works.  She has STTN since 3months and shes always settled herself easy.  She always wakes happy after her short naps and she is a happy baby and like your boy she doesnt get irritable with OT, but i can understand about the day being a struggle.  No time to yourself to do anything.
I guess you could spend time stressing about the short naps but i tend to think if your baby is happy and STTN then why change it?

I always give my DD the same A time regardless of the length of her nap.  Thats what works for us anyway



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Re: short naps/long A times but STTN
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 11:40:27 am »
Hi Renee,
Thanks for your post. I do the same as you and don't reduce A times if short naps. I've tried it and if usually results in another short nap, whereas if I do the same again or a little more, I'll often get a longer nap. I know it works against the OT theory, but hey, how can I explain it?!
So, how much day/night sleep (and total overall) does your daughter have? Is she doing two short naps or three?

Offline emily3434

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Re: short naps/long A times but STTN
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2011, 15:45:33 pm »
we also have short and often inconsistent naps, but unlike you, my LO is VERY suseptible to being OT.  he doesn't get cranky, but has a hard time settling into bedtime.  it sounds like you have figured out your LO.  I do think in this "age of information" we often read so many things and try to peg our LO into a category instead of going with our intuition.  you're doing great!!

Offline mum2girls

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Re: short naps/long A times but STTN
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2011, 19:49:10 pm »
She sleeps 12hr at night, sometimes i have to wake her at 7.30 cos thats 12.5hrs and thats plenty.  She has 3 naps a day normally around 40mins
She is very active in her cot so when she wakes she happily crawls and plays for another 20mins.

I do think in this "age of information" we often read so many things and try to peg our LO into a category instead of going with our intuition.  you're doing great!!
so true  :D

Ive just learnt that we cant make them sleep longer than they want or need, so ive stopped stressing about it and i try and enjoy everyday


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Re: short naps/long A times but STTN
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2011, 12:10:23 pm »
Emily and Renee, I think that's it in a nutshell. It's time to stop stressing, go with the flow and 'que sera sera' and all that. LOs don't fit in boxes, each and everyone is different, so what works for some might not work for others.