DD is responding super-well to bedtime techniques, she put herself to sleep after just four nights and sleeps up to 9hours straight, BUT: she absolutely will not nap with the baby whisperer techniques. She starts screaming if I even approach a bed whole carrying her, and screams nonstop for the full 20minutes before I give up. She's yawning and rubbing her eyes, so she's tired, but I have tried over and over (next time she yawns, we try again) and she just gets more and more upset. I don't want her to be afraid of the bed! She keels over if we drive more than ten minutes away. Before we tried BW, she was a champion napper - two solid naps a day on schedule, no fuss. It's been three days and I'm ready to give up and nurse her down again. HELP!
Edit: here's her schedule
7am wake, nurse, play
7:30 breakfast
8 bath, nurse
8:30 play
9:30 nap (or used to be: now 20min+ screaming)
11 wake, lunch, nurse
12 errands/outings
1 nurse
2 nurse
2:30 nap (used to be: now 20 min+ screaming)
4 wake, play
5 nurse
6:30 dinner
7 nurse, play
7:45 book, pjs
8:10 walk, lights out
8:15 sleep (she just lies down and goes to sleep, no soothing anymore)
3 am stirs, shh pat and she's asleep again
5 am wakes, short nurse (she wakes if we try to dreamfeed at 10), pat and sleep