Author Topic: Too much formula?  (Read 1365 times)

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Offline slparks

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Too much formula?
« on: May 02, 2011, 23:09:25 pm »

DS is 6.5 mo and has been on solids since he was around 5.5 mo.  Currently, he is having a (4 oz) bottle and approx 1 tbsp of fruit mixed with 1 tbsp of either rice or oatmeal cereal for breakfast, then he has a bottle mid-morning (8 oz).  For lunch, he has chicken and vegetables with a little rice, approx 2 tbsp.  Then he will have a bottle (8 oz) mid afternoon.  We are finding it very difficult to get him to eat anything for supper.........he will usually only eat approx a teaspoon (veggies and rice).  He will then have a bottle (8 oz) around 5:30 pm.  Then he has a bottle at bedtime (8 oz) and he is still waking at night for a feeding (random times..........but he always drains an 8 oz bottle).  So, he is having about 4-5 tbsp of solids each day plus 40-45 oz of formula in a 24 hour period. He is 19 lbs, so he is a big boy.

I think he should be having more solids at this point and less formula.  Does anyone have advice on how to work towards a better mix of solids and formula?  When we are feeding him, he will turn his head or keep his mouth closed when he is done.  He definately knows when he doesn't want anymore.  For the suppertime meal, he will hardly accept solids at all.........he gets very very fussy when we try to feed him.

Also, he has reflux and is on meds, which are controlling it at the moment.  We don't see signs of discomfort ie: wet burps, hiccups etc.

TIA for any advice,


Offline lesliemarie

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Re: Too much formula?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 00:46:32 am »
Your DS sounds a lot like my DD.  I found that if I offered her the solids before the bottle she would eat a lot more.  She was eating still close to 40oz a day and then I stopped with the bottle before and it helped.  I make sure that there is at least 4 hours between bottles (she can actually go 4.5 to 5 hours between no problem).  That way she was more hungry for the solids.  She now will eat a ton.  For breakfast she will polish off probably 4oz of fruit/veg and at least 2 tbsp of cereal.  She will then have another 4oz of fruit/veg for lunch and then another 4oz of fruit/veg with 1 tbsp of cereal for dinner.  For her bottles she will have three 7 oz bottles during the day and another before bed and will have one at night.  So 35oz total.  I'm also pretty sure she doesn't need this much either but she is also a big girl (20 pounds 5 ounces last week).  I hope this helps.
My Little Monkey

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Re: Too much formula?
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2011, 01:10:32 am »
I think you could shave off a bit of formula, 40-45oz is a lot!  I think the recommended amount is somewhere between 24-32oz.  Milk is still more important than solids at this point, but with that much formula I don't see any harm in decreasing the amount a bit to try and get him more interested in solids at dinnertime.
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Offline slparks

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Re: Too much formula?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2011, 13:04:15 pm »
Thanks ladies.  I fed solids this morning first thing (before bottle) and he did great.  I am also working towards cutting out the bottle at night, but was unsuccessful last night.

One question: when solids are introduced and milk intake is a little lower (I am trying to take my LO down from 40-45 oz to approx 30 oz - gradually of course) is it important to offer other fluids? 

Offline ~inbalance~

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Re: Too much formula?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2011, 16:20:18 pm »
I always BF so I'm not entirely sure if it's different for formula fed babies (BF babies don't need additional fluids).  You can offer water in a sippy cup though, even if it's just for practice.  :)
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Offline lesliemarie

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Re: Too much formula?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2011, 17:11:58 pm »
I currently don't offer DD any more fluids but I'm about to start now that she is almost 7 months.  There is no harm in them having extra water.  :)
My Little Monkey

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Offline slparks

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Re: Too much formula?
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2011, 00:53:30 am »
Yah, he's still probably getting enough fluids, but like you lesliemarie, I am going to start to offer him some water in his sippy cup.  Thanks so much ladies, the solids are going GREAT now!

Offline lesliemarie

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Re: Too much formula?
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2011, 02:34:23 am »
No problem.  I'm glad it worked out.
My Little Monkey

My Little Sunshine