I posted in the other thread about Ds night wakings, but I'm so confused whatt to do with his napping schedule and A time. DS has never been a good napper. We have a good wind downs routine and he goes down pretty easily, but is ALWAYS up after 30-45 minutes. I've tried wake to sleep, and it either doesnt work, or he never actually goes into a deep sleep. Our current EASY looks like this:
E 615 6 ounces
S 745 (he will go down pretty easily, but always wake up 30-45 minutes later. sometimes just giving the paci a few times can stretch the nap another hour, other times that next hour is a battle. this applies to all his daytime naps)
E 945 6 ounces
S 1115 (same deal as before)
E 115 6 ounces
S 245 (this nap is the hardest)
E 415 or even 4- 4 ounces (i reduced this feed, cause he wasnt eating his full bottle before bedtime)
E 615 6 ounces
S 630
no DF for various reasons
I try giving the paci and comforting for up to 20 minutes, but if he won't go back to sleep I usually just give up and put him in the swing where he will go back to sleep for up to an hour. He's not hysterical when he wakes up, but cries, and then calms down for 2-5 minutes after he gets his paci and then repeat. I really dont want to get into this habit, but I don't know what else to do as I think he needs the sleep. I don't know if I need to extend his A time, as I'm also unclear if he belongs on a 3, 3.5, or 4 hour schedule. Shh/pat does not get him to sleep unless im doing it wrong
His nights are ok, but not great-wakes2-3 times a night, gets fed only once usually around 130, but alwasy wakes again around 5 when i try to hold him off till 615. Help please