Hi girls
Thanks for all that. Are you suggesting I give her a bit of nurofen then?
Talked to the dietian and she has come round to Failsafe idea though said would check with the doc immunologist as well. She also said I could start to wean her on baby rice (she is 20 weeks old)
Also been to see the kineziologist who did muscle testing on her and she came out bad on everything in onion family, asparagus, brussel sprouts, but fine with cabbage. Is that believable? Not sure, what do you think? What other sources of Vitamin C are there? Is pear not it as fruits in general? She also came out bad with all vitamin supplements including Calcium but she said she desensitized her to Calcium and Omega 3 supplement. Great ideas about Omega 3 - problem is - I don't know if I ever gonna reach baseline...
So if I follow RPAH and take into consideration waht she said - this is how my diet looks like
Protein: chicken, turkey, lamb (she also said beef and veal came out ok but I am not sure)
chickpeas, beans (though aren't they too windy?) no lentils she said
Grains: rice, millet, buckwheat
Fruit pears (she also said a few others but since they are high in sals - I'm gonna avoid)
Veg: potato, lettuce, bamboo shoots, celery, swede
Moderate: carrots, parsnips, cucumber, beetroot, peas, sweet potatoes, zucchini (100gr serve 2 times a day)
What do you think? Kineziologist also said she would be very worried about me at this stage as I haven't had proper nutrition for 2 months, Julia is still quite bad with allergy and she was pretty much saying to consider neocate now. She had 4.5 months breastmilk. She is very bad and windy again today. Just don't know how I would ever get her to take it and would probaly be mourning breastfeeding for months...