Author Topic: 9month old waking  (Read 2891 times)

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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2011, 19:43:40 pm »
HI just thought I'd let you know that things are improving! For the last 3 nights Harrie has woken a couple of times, cried a little and sent himself back off to sleep! He is still waking fully at around 4.30 am, but this seems to be begining to change with PD and this morning he woke at 4.45, so hopefully a slow but steady approach is working. I have stuck with 30-45 mins am nap at around 10 ish and a 1.5 hr nap in the afternoon. He has also gone to bed a bit later tonight, so maybe he'll wake up a bit later, have to wait and see. :)
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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2011, 21:11:26 pm »
Just wanted to say my 9mo DD was having same problems with disturbed night sleeps but ok during day. It was def teething troubles, think once body rests they start to move or maybe they just feel it more with nothing to distract them.  This lasted couple of weeks but now her first 2 teeth popped through 2 days ago and hey presto, sleeping better already.  Just hope this doesn't happen every time another tooth comes!  Good luck.

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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2011, 22:00:35 pm »
So glad that you are seeing improvement!

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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2011, 23:56:18 pm »
I am no expert here as I am having the same issues with my little one...(btw its been 6 yrs since my DS #1 also)...but I too struggle with to feed or not to feed at night wakings...cause she claws at me and SEEMS so hungry...and with the growth spurt at this age I wonder the right thing to do...have you tried increasing his day time breastfeeding?  I am trying to do the pump an hour after feeding thing that Traci spoke of in her book to increase my supply for the day time so maybe she won't want to feed at night...shot in the dark anyway...who knows...but it kind of makes sense.  Kind of wish I had to worry about shortening her naps lol...good problem to have in my opinion lo has only been napping for 30 mins :(  Anyway lots of luck to you..maybe its just a phase with learning new skills and a growth spurt
<3 Melissa

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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2011, 13:20:32 pm »
Thanks guys! Glad your lo is sleeping better Nikki.
Lily, so sorry you are having a tricky time with your lo, it's not easy is it? I initially did try to increase feeds, but trying to fit everything in, with meals etc was really hard. He would only take very short feeds. When he was younger I just fed him at night, but I was getting to the point where I was exhausted and had to chnage soemthing. I think the problem started after a run of illness, teething and growth spurts, when I just fed on demand and after that I think he expected to be fed at night.

I think increasing your milk supply sounds like a brilliant idea, because if you really think she is hungry then it should help. I do think the last time he wakes in the early hours he is genuinely hungry, so what I have done is to gradually stretch this time by 15-30mins using the pd part of pu pd and it seems to be working.

night before last he woke at 3.30am cried on and off for an hour, but not enough to need my input, then went backto sleep until 5am when I did pd for 30 mins then fed him and he went back to sleep until 6.30, which was fab. Then last night I heard him murmur in the night and that was it until 5.30, (that is an acceptable time for me to feed him!) so I did and he fed for a long time (40 mins or so) then went back to sleep until 7.15!!! He is doing so well at the moment, although I know things can change.

I know you are getting lots of help on some of the other boards, but have you checked out Katet 's post about ngith wakings? I'll see if I can find it. It's very good.
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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2011, 17:58:56 pm »
chell...thank you I have not read it if you find it i'd love to take a you do pd for 30 mins then end up feeding anyway?  isnt that kind of like when the say not to resort to what you usually do after trying something new like p.d.?  Cause I find myself trying to do p.d. and after a while of it not working I end up nursing her and I was told I made her cry for no reason if I do that...ugh its all so confusing sometimes...wish there was an "easy" button haha
<3 Melissa

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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2011, 18:50:53 pm »
Here's that link:

Oh, yes, you are right - you are supposed to keep going with Pu pd until they fall asleep. In my case, getting to 5am is really my goal, so I am happy to feed him then. It's like when you are trying to get them to sleep during the day, you do pu pd until they are asleep OR until the nap time is over then you get them up, even if they haven't slept. So even if Harrie hasn't slept I go ahead and feed him at that time. The only thing which clouded the picture for me was that I thought he may have been genuinely hungry. Then that is hard, because I could not bear to make him go back  to sleep knowing that. So it is good that you are trying to tank your lo up during the day. Once I believed it was not hunger, I just had to commit myself to keep going with pd. You do need to have faith in the technique, and it does work, and when you start to see it working it keeps you going.

Your lo's personality will make a difference too - Harrie is mostly angel, so he seems to have adapted quite readily. However my first was touchy/txtbk and really really hard work.
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Offline lily528

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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2011, 19:15:19 pm »
hmmm yea I see what you are saying then...I would believe it is NOT hunger because she gets the 4 feedings during the day...and she is waking every 3-4 hrs at her age I could maybe see ONE night waking but 2 or 3?  seems a bit excessive.  I mean dont get me wrong I too would not want to force her to sleep when hungry.  p.d. doensn't seem to work...she doesn't just cry...she SCREAMS...and she never loses steam the entire time she stands right back up screaming...she doesn't even calm when picked up ...the ONLY thing that makes the screaming stop is nursing...last night she woke at 10 after going to sleep a little later than usual around that is a little more than 3 hrs...I had just done my usual night pumping at around 9:20 and she was getting very frustrated while nursing cause nothing was coming out for a long while...due to my just pumping I you would think that IS hunger...but just 3 hrs after having nursed?!  doesn't seem right...aaaahhhh...I just don't know anymore..that is I guess why I struggle to commit to p.d. because for one she screams bloody murder the whole time and two I just don't know if its hunger or not :(  I will read that post..thank you for finding it :)
<3 Melissa

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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2011, 20:33:14 pm »
Hi, yes picking her up won't calm her at that age, mine would fight me when I did that. What kind of personality is she?
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Offline lily528

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Re: 9month old waking
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2011, 21:11:10 pm »
I am not sure to be honest...I suppose looking into that might help...I remember reading that months back and finding it hard to pinpoint with her being so young...I will have to take another look...will let you know :)
<3 Melissa