Author Topic: 10 month old's naps going all wrong  (Read 615 times)

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10 month old's naps going all wrong
« on: May 31, 2011, 14:31:06 pm »
In the last week, my 10 month olds naps have been very difficult. I don't know if it is coincidence, but this has coincided with her 2 front teeth coming through. Before this, her naps were reasonably predictable - this was her EASY:
wake 6.20/6.30
bottle 7.00
food 8.00
nap 9.30-10 or 10.30
(snack 11, if woke early from nap)
lunch 11.45
nap 1.30-2.30, sometimes 3.00
bottle 3.00 (we are BLW, and she still wants this bottle)
take her out in pram 4.30-5.15. She sometimes catnaps for 15 mins, other times not
Food 5.15
Bath, bottle, bed 6.50
She was roughly doing 3h activity time. Sometimes, if she only did 2 30 mins naps, she would need the late afternoon catnap; other times not. I generally put her down to nap when she showed me she was getting tired. She has never been a great napper - usually 30 mins. I have just got used to this, but in the last month or so, she is starting to nap for maybe 1h.

She has also just started sleeping much better at night, and wakes nearer 7am, rather than 6.20am. She refuses to nap at 9.30 now. She is also not showing me any tired signs, when previously she would. I have tried later nap times (9.45, 10.00), but we end up having a big fight. She does eventually go to sleep, but I find it quite upsetting that she is basically crying herself to sleep. I do not leave her while she goes to sleep - she has never been good at settling herself and likes to have her hands held. I have no problem with this at the moment, as it typically has taken 5 mins or so for her to drop off.

Any ideas? I really can't believe that she is trying to drop the morning nap, as she sometimes will take a catnap before bed.

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Re: 10 month old's naps going all wrong
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2011, 15:30:47 pm »