Finally I have some success! I have a serial catnapper who by then end of of the day is a screaming OT mess! I had tried everything and nothing worked. LO could take 2 hour naps on me so I knew he could do it, he also STTN!
Yesterday I tried swaddling LO for his naps (he just has grobags for night)! I had tried swaddling before and it didnt work but thought he is a few weeks older so you never no! 40 Mins on the dot he woke and wouldnt go back to sleep no matter how how I tried.
He settles himself to sleep with a dummy, so the next nap, I went in at 30mins and tried HTTJ, It worked a treat, however we woke after 1hr20, I am guessing at the next sleep cycle (however was still tired from previous nap) but wouldnt go back, so he ended up having las nap on me!
Today he only had 40min nap as time ran away with me and I missed the time to go in, however his current nap I HTTJ for first cycle and then went in again and held again 35 mins later and he has been asleep for 1hr 45mins, this is his longest day time nap EVER!
Sorry for rambling, I do have a question, this is hopefully going to carry on working, do I now have to do this everytime forever or will he eventully learn to do himself from me helping and developmentally!
Does anyone have experience and if so what as the timescale? and how did you know when do stop?
Thanks in advance x