My DD is 6 months old.
We started solids at 4months. It was advised by Public health nurse because we were to move and thought it'd be best for baby. We didn't end up moving!
I kept up the spoon to as not to confuse DD. She would take rice, advocado, banana mostly and closer to 6 months I've intorduced more variety.
She loves pear puree. Would take almost 2 cubes. Everything else would be just about half a cube.
She gets BF at 7am solids around 8am
BF 11
BF 1500 solids at 1600
BF 1900 df 10
I'm worried that she isn't interested. She is also going off breastfeeding so much. Spends barely anytime latched on anymore.
I thought 6 months would bring her curiosity and hunger?