Thanks! here is his schedule. The reason I wonder if he is undertired or not is because he is very fussy after two hours and usually if we put him down any later...we have tried up to 3 hours of awake time, he usually just naps for 35 minutes.
6-7 wake and bf
8 solids
9/930 bf and down for nap
awake 45 minutes at most after falling asleep, I then usually feed before we go out for the morning
1145 solids
1220/1245 down for second nap, wakes after 30-40 minutes and I rock back down 2-3 more times so that he gets a 2 hour nap
awake and bf
4:30/4:45 after 2/2.5 hours down for cat nap if he will take it and we wake by 515 (usually about 35 minute nap)
bf and solids
730 bf and down for night
waking is sporadic but mainly 11, 2, 4 when we bring him into bed...