
So just to start with this morning we went out and I bought Sam some new things for our fresh start.
A stick on bowl

New very brightly coloured spoons and his first baby forks.
A new sippy cup.
The approach I decided to take was to put the food down and to leave him to it. I didn't sit with him, just slyly glanced every now and then to see what was happening.
Not to try and feed him myself.
No ooh and aah's and yum yums.
If the food went on the floor to leave it there instead of giving his bad behaviour attention by jumping up and picking it up immediately and telling him it's naughty.
Not to give him any thrown food back.
Also to keep his mid morning and mid afternoon snacks but cut the quantity down in order for him to feel hungrier at mealtimes.
I have been ASTOUNDED by the progress we've already made today

Lunchtime offering.
Carrot and potato waffles
Carrots and peas
chicken nuggets.
He immediately picked up his fork and investigated, he LOVED it. And ate all of his waffles using it

Carrots and peas left on the highchair and ultimately the bowl thrown on the floor. Furrowed brow at my total lack of interest

Chicken nuggets tried when no waffles left but only one bite eaten, then thrown on the floor.
Blueberries and a satsuma for dessert (as he always has had one in the past, I didn't want to stop that, but I did worry that he may see it as as offering 2, so I left it for 5 minutes after he had finished eating.)
This might not sound like a great start but it was. I honestly think that it is a battle of wills, and alongside less snacking to fill him up we've already seen improvement.
Mid afternoon snack: A Date and Banana bar.
Dinner offering.
Baked beans and mini sausages.
Toast with butter cut into sticks.
A fish finger (new to him, so extra to try)
Sam has always refused beans in the past but today he proceeded to eat then one at a time with his fingers. Then I did intervene by showing him how to stab them with his fork which he loved. I also (to help him get more in

) used the spoon to feed him and he let me willingly

. He ate the whole lot. He tried the sausage but left it in the bowl (a miracle in itself) and went back to it a few times. Ate a little bit of toast. A VERY MESSY but fun dinner time.
Refused his favourite yoghurt as he was obviously full. I took it straight away at the first head shake, no trying again.
6 oz milk before BT.
I give Sam a multivitamin and mineral daily which lets my mind rest while we're having this tricky time. But I'm thrilled with the progress today. Tomorrow could very well be totally different, we'll see. He does tend to alternate a hungry day with a not so hungry day. But so far I think the key is to LEAVE HIM TO IT. Especially since he's very strong willed, I think even encouragement was winding him up. And I also think he was probably picking up on my stressed attitude

Oh and VERY IMPORTANTLY BIG praise for him after meal time

Here's hoping for another good day tomorrow. TTFN.x.