Hi Ladies-
I don't know what the heck is going on the past 4 days; I'm at a standstill with what to do or how to handle it best to the best of my son's advantage.
For the last 3 days (naps) and nights, he's been having a terrible time falling asleep, staying asleep (NW's) and taking naps. When laying him down he usually is asleep in 5-10 minutes, doesn't wake thru the night and has no problem at all when I lay him down for naps.
Now, he screams for about an hour when he's placed in his crib at bedtime, wakes up around 1-2am and will scream and cry for 2 hours, and now for naptime, he is doing the same thing (right now)..... screaming and calling for "mama". As soon as I go into his bedroom, the screaming/crying stops immediately. How do I handle this? Just let him cry himself to sleep? Do I go into his room at all?
Please HELP!!!!!