Hi All,
Our DS is 8mths old and we have been battling NWs and EW for about 6 weeks now, and i just wondered is there any other advice out there. He used to have multiple NW but through only giving him a few sips of water and extending is A time first thing have it down to 1/2 max and he is waking now for the day at 5am. he has been waking at 5-545am for the last 6weeks, having previously slept through to 7am.
His EASY is:
5-530am wakes, wide awake, have tried getting him over again but this is defo him for the day.
E 7am (bottle and solid)
A 530-9am (3.5hrs)
S 9-1030am
E 11am bottle 1pm solid
A 1030am-2pm (3.5hrs)
S 2-3pm (usually 30mins-1hr tops)
E bottle at 4pm (just few ozs) solids at 5pm
A 3pm - 6pm
S 630pm
Through great advice on here we recently extended his morning A time to 3.5hrs (not easy and still v tired for the last 1/2hr but we are getting there!) which seems to have helped reduce his NWs. He is rubbing his eyes from 430pm onwards in the evening but surely we cant put him down any earlier than 6pm? even this is already 1 hour earlier in the past week as we have always started his bath and wind down about 630pm and had him down for 7pm, but with the EW thought this 14hr day was too much and you could tell with him being OT by bedtime.
He sttn 7pm-7am from about 12 weeks old until this started happening. yes he's been teething on off but even when not, this persists.
Apart form the last 1-2hrs of his day his is a very happy and smiley. before we brought his bedtime forward by 1hour he might have just woken at 530am, but i am wondering is it now earlier because he is going down earlier?
the afternoon nap just cannot be extended, we have tried everything and him sleeping in various places, cot, pram, carseat but 1 hour is the most we get from him, and if his bt is only 3hrs later this doesnt seem too bad.
Even this is better than it was as there were 4-6nws per night each night in the past month and fingers crossed its getting better. If this is just the way it is fine, thats life and i know others have it so much worse but we feel so close if there was any thoughts on what we can do i'd love to hear them. I am going back to work soon, so now is definitely the time to try anything.