Ok, thought I'd give an update. Yesterday I intended to do as you said - give her a 30min nap in the am and 2hours in the pm but I had to go out and hubby let her sleep for 2hr 20 in the morning/lunchtime. So, her day looked like this:
Awake - 5.30am
Nap 10.20 - 12.40 (2hrs 20)
Bed 6.30 ( she was tired by 6pm but her usual night sleep on a normal, good day is 11.5 so I thought if I pushed her another half an hour, she *might* get up at a decent time)
She woke at 6.15am - which for me is an acceptable wake up time. And that's 11.45hrs sleep! Anyway, she was quite grumpy in the morning, so as you suggested, I tried to put her down at 9am for a 30min nap but she was having none of it so I did what we'd normally do and waited til she was obviously tired and our day ended up like this:
Wake - 6.15
Nap 10.45-12.45 (as it was her normal nap time and she'd been up for a good length of time, I let her sleep rather than cap the nap)
Bed 6.45 (I pushed her a further 15mins)
So, let's see what happens. I'm hoping, *hoping* that the EW were a glitch but we'll see. She has had a third tooth coming through and I know this can cause EW but surely it would cause her to EW in a bad mood - when she does EW, she's normally quite happy?
Will update!