OK, so I know this is a phase a lot of kids go thru, but would love some advice.
My 3 yr old DD is afraid of loud noises - we have had a lot of thunderstorms lately and the 4th of July fireworks and my neighbor has a loud motorcycle and the other one does construction, so needless to say noises are everywhere. White noise does not work.
She is PETRIFIED. She shakes, cries, sweats, and walk in walk out does not work. Either me or DH has to sleep with her.
With that being said I also have a 6 mos old who I am nursing. I cannot sleep with the both of them. My DH is traveling next week so I will be alone in this and have NO idea how I am going to juggle the 2 of them.
I also work from home and get much of my work done at night. UGH.
I have tried to stay with my DD til she falls asleep and then sneak out, but she always wakes up. Our wooden floors and stairway creeks loudly it is a dead give away when I sneak out.
Even if I stay with my DD I have to go get the other little one to bed, take a shower, clean the house, do my work, get everything ready for the next day, then go to sleep myself and get up at 4am to feed my 6 mos old who then goes back to sleep til 7am. I typically get up at 6am to get some stuff done before the kids wake, but if I am sleeping with my DD she'll wake up when I do.
I can't win. I again have NO idea how I am going to do this when DH is away.
DD has not napped or gone to bed before 11pm in 3 days. Her behavior is therefore awful as well.