I think that says it all. LOL
Wendy if you read this I have followed your suggestion by pushing Madi's nap out close to 1pm, and capping it to 1.5hours. Bt is still 8pm and she has been falling asleep within 15min(I think).
Anyhow, she is still insisting to go for her nap at 12:30pm. I really don't know what time she wakes up in the morning. Normally, when she wakes up she calls for me and this is between 6:30am-7am. We had a few hiccups with 6am wups but she was quiet in her bed until I got her. This morning, I don't know if Alyssa's screaming(5:45am) woke her up but by 12pm she was crying for her bed-literally. She called for me at 6:55am, so maybe Alyssa's crying didn't wake her. She has been crabby all morning and I have been losing my patience with her. The entire morning we have been yelling at each other. I feel so bad right now b/c she doesn't deserve to be yelled at. I can't believe how difficult it is to be patient with two kids.
So besides that, I put her down at 12:40pm and honestly I don't know if I should cap it and do an early bt or let her sleep an extra 10min?