My 2.5 yr old is freaking out right now. She is very overtired after not quite getting enough sleep last night and then nap-skipping today. So that explains some of it. But when I went to leave her room in the usual way, she started freaking out with crying and calling my name. I tried to wait it out but she wouldn't stop. 15 minutes later, I went back in but every time I tried to leave it started up again. Finally I said that I needed to feed the dog and go to the bathroom but that I'd be back in a little while, and she was fine with that for a while, but eventually the crying started again. My husband is in there with her now rubbing her back, so we'll see what happens, but I don't know what to do about this. This happened at naptime, too, and I got her up, so I fear that this is the beginning of a pattern.
Please advise as soon as possible! Thank you for reading!!