Sorry - usually remember to write that. He's just coming up to 18mo.
Wake between 6.15 and 7pm
Nap - try to put him down at 12 but it's sometimes half past by the time DD is back from pre-school
Usually wake him by 2.30pm latest
BT - used to be 7pm but don't think he's tired enough. Am experimenting with pushing it to 7.30pm
Thanks for your help Josie - that is comforting! Actually, tonight he took about 40 mins but did go off on his own eventually, so that is progress. Will just have to be consistent with any night wakings. One of the probs is that he suffers from a lot of wind (was a reflux baby) so I have to try and be sure he's not uncomfortable before doing WI-WO... sometimes difficult in the middle of the night when you're half asleep