Author Topic: 4.5 (3 month adjusted) ds with frequent night wakings  (Read 1484 times)

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Offline harleymaggiemae

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4.5 (3 month adjusted) ds with frequent night wakings
« on: June 21, 2011, 15:58:05 pm »
Hi all

I'm new to this forum.  We moved ds to his crib a few weeks ago, as well as implemented an earlier bedtime and attempted to get him on an EASY schedule.  He will frequently wake 30 min or so after putting him down (sometimes with a burp, or sometimes possibly OT?).

We don't have a firm EASY schedule down yet, but here's what I do have roughly:  It's generally 3-3.5hr

7-7:15 wake
7:30- E
9am -S

11am - E
12:30 - S

Afternoons get a bit rocky:

Sometimes he wakes 2-3, so I feed with a short activity and put him back down.

S 330-5/5:30 at which point he gets his one bottles of bm/day - he takes 4-6oz

Other times he's awake at 4-430, so I try to have him take a short nap around 530-6

Bedtime routine starts at 630-7 (depending if he takes the short nap or not).

Bedtime routine is bath, quick dance, top off with breast then begin - pu/pd.  That usually lasts 30 min or so (the pu/pd). However, last night he would sleep anywhere from 5-30 min before waking.

His nighttime wakes range from 3-4x, usually only hungry once.

General nighttime wakings are
12:30, 3:30, 4-430 and 530-6.

In the last week, he's been waking up the instant we lay him back down after a feed, and taking possibly 30 minutes to settle again.  Previously he was asleep the instant we lay him down. 

I will say I generally get him during his mantra cry hoping to avoid him fully waking up.  He generally requires the breast to settle with me, though dh can rock him fully to sleep (which I'm also trying to avoid).  We used to walk/jostle him bc we let him get overtired.  The last few days I've been able to rock him some with some fussing but he settles.

No props - he hates the paci and always hated swaddling.  He's exclusively breast fed.

I'd love to hear your feedback!

Offline mmom

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Re: 4.5 (3 month adjusted) ds with frequent night wakings
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 10:09:18 am »
I am not sure how to proceed with his age, as I don't fully understand what being 3 months adjusted means here.

However, I am wondering if you are seeing reflux symptoms.  The frequent waking and burping sends alarm bells for discomfort.

I should also add that for many, this is a very difficult time for sleep.  The 3-4 month period can be extremely difficult for many as LOs are just learning independent sleep, have major growth spurts, etc.

Offline harleymaggiemae

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Re: 4.5 (3 month adjusted) ds with frequent night wakings
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 14:36:32 pm »
Thanks - he was born 6.5w early, so his 'adjusted age' (based on due date) is 3 months.  So his development is somewhere between there (I think a couple weeks behind his actual age of 4.5 months).

He does have minor reflux but meds aren't warranted.  It's not always a burp, but I do have to make sure I burp him good.

I think some may be the 4 month sleep regression, but some is clearly habit.  He went down about 830 last night - up at 1230 and was hungry.  Up again at 4 and semi-hungry so I fed.  Up at 5 but I refused to nurse for comfort.  we slept in the chair vs fighting an hour to go back down since I need to function for work.  I;d just like to eliminate the 5am (and would've been 6am) wakeup.  And I spent 10 minutes nursing at 12:30, and 30 minutes fighting to put him down!

Offline mmom

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Re: 4.5 (3 month adjusted) ds with frequent night wakings
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2011, 22:24:31 pm »
((HUGS)) This really is a difficult time.

We really struggled with EWs at this time  We also struggled with reflux flares.  Reflux peaks between 4 and 6 months and even if you are only seeing burps, he could have silent reflux that he is reacting to.

Offline harleymaggiemae

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Re: 4.5 (3 month adjusted) ds with frequent night wakings
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2011, 11:21:10 am »
Thanks.  We reintroduced the swaddle the last 2 nights (he previously would fight like crazy).  He didn't fight us and has only had 2 wake ups each night!  Last night was an hour later than the previous night, so we're getting close to dropping the 2nd wakeup and it being his daily wakeup time!

Sleep for mom is a beautiful thing!

Offline mmom

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Re: 4.5 (3 month adjusted) ds with frequent night wakings
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2011, 22:32:57 pm »
Glad you had a better night!

Offline Madthorn

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Re: 4.5 (3 month adjusted) ds with frequent night wakings
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2011, 06:46:13 am »

I have a similiar story to this. Our 3 month old has had frequent night wakings throughout EASY. She has been on it since 6 weeks.
Day times: generally 2 short sleeps 45 min - 1 hour and 1 x long sleep (1.5 - 2.5 hours) as well as the catnap before bathtime.

Night times: Sleep by 7pm then Good night: DF @ 10.30, wake @ 2, 5/6 Bad night: Wake 00:30, 1.30, 2/3, 5/6

We have tried the WTS which didn't help the 2am waking. I have started feeding @ 2/3 when she wakes purely to get her to sleep for 2-3 hours in between. I was giving her, her dummy but that just meant she woke literally every hour. She has reflux and is on losec as well as gaviscon in the evening feeds.

She is also a fussy eater since 8 weeks, where she seems distracted by me. She doesn't seem to take in alot of milk. She is exclusively BF. I have tried darken rooms and top up feeds nothing seems to help the NW.

Any ideas?