I could have written that at the same stage - in fact, I probably did write something quite similar! It was suggested to me that I could try mixing in something he liked with something he wasn't eating so well, and, after a little trial and error, that got him eating a greater variety of foods. Yes I know that means they're not exactly being introduced to new tastes one by one and Tracy recommended, but it did get him eating more veg. Then it's really up to you if you want to offer more than one food at each meal, if it's working for you then I'd carry on, but if it's just too much hassle then don't worry, she's just starting out and doesn't 'need' it at the moment, she's just learning and getting used to it.
Not sure what to suggest about the temperature/texture thing, although it's quite normal for LOs to start with really smooth stuff at first, I don't think that's really anything to worry about for now, just gradually introduce different textures once she's eating the smooth stuff well. I still find that I have to warm DS' savoury food if it's something I've cooked, but he'll happily eat anything cold out of a jar! Maybe a texture thing, have yet to work that one out...
I think we just need to try and ride out these phases, I've found that DS goes through a really good eating phase, taking two steps forward... and then a few steps back... HTH, I'm sure others will come back with good advice!