So sorry you are having a hard time! I don't have any wonderful advice for you - I'll leave that to the experts, but I wanted to tell you that it does get better! At two months, my LO was all over the place, including sleeping in my bed for naps - I was so desperate for sleep I'd nap with her to try to get some sleep and keep her sleeping longer - talk about AP! We were still nursing to sleep or rather she nursed and fell asleep every time, but only for about a half an hour and only if I held her, and then wake, play for a bit, nurse, fall asleep for 20-30 min and repeat. YIKES! Good for you that you've been on an EASY that works for you - when we found a routine that worked for us (at closer to 4 months) it was key for me to remember at times like these that she did do it before and can and will do it again if I stick to it. Growth spurts, shots, family functions, travel - so many instances in which we would get off due to APOP and I would be devastated to have to "start over", but each time it seemed like it was rough at first, but not as bad as before, and a little less each time as DD knew what was happening and what to expect. Just wanted you to know you aren't alone! Hugs!