My 15 month old has been resisting his late afternoon nap for about the past month. We have a weird schedule because my husband and I work opposite shifts so he has LJ until 2:15 when he goes to daycare and I pick him up from daycare at 4:00. His schedule was:
7:30-8:00 Wake Up
10:45-11:45 Go down for nap
12:20-1:20 Wake Up from nap
4:15-5:00 Nap
7:45 Bedtime
It is important that he sleep to at least 7:30 because my husband doesn't get home till 1:30 and needs his sleep as well. But since this started happening, he has been waking up earlier in the morning and his naps have been all over the place. Right now, it works because I am a teacher and home for the summer but that is only another month and then my husband will be home alone with him.
This crazy sleep schedule is really affecting his mood at night because although he's going down for naps pretty late in the morning sometimes they are as short as 35 minutes. Here are his sleep logs from the past few days, a few of the days were super early wake-ups because we were on vacation.
6:30 WU
11:40-12:15 Nap
7:00 Bedtime
6:10 WU
11:15-1:35 Nap
7:15 Bedtime
6:45 WU
11:30-12:25 Nap
6:45 Bedtime
We are home from vacation now so before August 22, these are my goals for his sleep:
* Get him on a one nap schedule (this nap will have to be over by 2:15 since he goes to daycare then)
* Get his wake up back between 7:30 and 8:00
I would love some suggestions, this is definitely the most difficult nap transition we have gone through. The others just seemed to happen naturally without a bunch of grumpiness or planning on my part.