Author Topic: 18 m/o old won't eat anything 'wet'  (Read 1359 times)

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18 m/o old won't eat anything 'wet'
« on: July 16, 2011, 21:05:06 pm »
Apart from yoghurt, porridge and fruit puree.

We have a lot of allergies to contend with and this pickiness makes things even harder. He won't eat anything with a sauce (ie will only eat pasta dry) or meals like fish pie, casserole even mash potato.

Is it a matter of just dealing with it until he grows out of it (and keep trying to offer these foods)  or is there anything I can try to help him accept more foods?


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Re: 18 m/o old won't eat anything 'wet'
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2011, 11:35:59 am »
mine is also the same, would love him to have a more varied diet but he refuses anything that isn't dry like waffles, fish fingers etc.


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Re: 18 m/o old won't eat anything 'wet'
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2011, 09:00:12 am »
I don't know but you could try offering things in 'cake' form.  I think I have more of an aversion to 'wet' things than my son now he doesn't want me feeding him so I came up with a fishcake which is almost identical to a fish pie but easier for him to feed himself:

He actually said "mmm" when he had these!
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

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Re: 18 m/o old won't eat anything 'wet'
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 15:07:20 pm »
My little monkey is similar. She'll take wet things off a spoon sometimes though (but other times she refuses the spoon!). But she's very fussy about what she'll pick up in her hands. Fruit is a big no-no, for example.

I swore I would never feed her processed food, and now nearly every day she has chicken nuggets or fishfingers or waffles for tea and it's bugging me.

I'm going to make up some different cakey things at the weekend. Meat and potato, fishcakes, sweet potato and veg, whatever I can find, with a coating of crushed Rice Krispies.

Then next weekend I'll start teaching her to cook so she can cater to her own fads.

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Re: 18 m/o old won't eat anything 'wet'
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 15:11:57 pm »
Thanks everyone. We have both had stomach bugs this week so food is the last thing on our minds but I have been trying new things. I am going to persevere as I guess that is the only way he will get used to them. I am SURE it is a mental thing though. He is just being stubborn. If he just gave it a go I know he would enjoy the new foods!

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Re: 18 m/o old won't eat anything 'wet'
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 19:04:33 pm »
If he just gave it a go I know he would enjoy the new foods!
We don't have the wet aversion but we do have the I-won't-eat-it-unless-it's-mac-n-cheese-or-peanut-butter-and-jelly problem!!! ::)  I've been just trying to keep offering new things but beyond that I don't think there's much that can be done.  I try to have something I know he likes and something new (or that he used to eat!) on his tray at every meal.  At least then I'm reminding him that other foods exist! 

I'd love to hear any other ideas, though!