The yawns I have been acting on haven't been the big ones for sure. Is it possible, then, that I am putting her in the crib too soon? That's what I'm starting to wonder. For instance, I have her awake for about 50 minutes, then start w/d. She goes into the crib after an A time of 1 hour but she's not quite ready. So she occupies herself in the crib, looking around. Then starts to get really sleepy but since she's been in there for 15-20 min already (I think this is where I start to see her give the big yawns), she has a harder time settling. Then she goes quickly from being UT to OT. Does this sound like it could be the case?
Because if I have to automatically figure in 40 min of settling, then she would have no A time outside of eating, w/d, and lying in the crib. What I'm thinking is maybe I need to slightly increase her A time with quiet activities so as to not OS???