Hello everyone... once again,
My son is almost 2, in October, and for the last week we've been experiencing painful bedtimes and, sometimes, naps.
We have been doing to method where you sit close by in a chair with the hopes of moving it out the bedroom, eventually,
and it's just not happening as smoothly as I think it's suppose to happen.
My husband ends up sitting in the chair anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour each night waiting for my LO to fall asleep. Is this normal?
How do we end this, what I think is now, a prop? Is he just not sleepy? Our LO spends the hour talking or jumping in his crib, etc...
Please look at his schedule and let me know if it needs
altering and/or how to end this night time drama?
Wake 8-8:30ish
nap 12:30-2:00 or 2:30
bedtime; we TRY and have him in his crib by 8:30 but he doesn't fall asleep til 9:30 (or 9pm, if we're lucky) WITH US AT HIS BEDSIDE, of course.
Please help... this is becoming to make my and my husband's evenings very stressful, knowing that our LO's bedtime is aroud the corner and that I won't see my husband for an hour or so.