My DS3 is 19 months and is currently waking for 3 breastfeeds a night. He is not consistant with his waking times, they might be 10pm, 1am, then 4am, or 12:30am, 2am, then 5am, so they are different everynight. He puts himself to sleep at night and for his nap without a problem, but is nearly impossible to get to sleep in the night time if he wakes wanting a feed. If it is before 11pm, then DH can cuddle him to sleep, but sometimes that doesnt even work and he screams until DH puts him in his cot, then I go in and feed him.
I really need some ideas on getting him out of this waking. He has sleep through on occasion- but I cant link it to anything specific, and he has never done it for more than 2 nights in a row. He eats plenty during the day, and has 3 day breastfeeds to.
I am looking for gentle ideas, so I am aware that they will be gradual, and wont work overnight. I just need a kick in the right direction. Do I try to cut down slowly? Or will that confuse him? Do I wean all together? Do I sleep on his floor?
Any advice would be fabulous, being a mum with 3 under 5yrs is tiring enough, without feeding the youngest toddler 3 times a night!
Thanks so much!