Hello there!
I've posted in "Discipline & Socialization Skills" and have been advised here for a bit of help. My two and a half year old has had some big changes in the last couple of months. She had a new sister arrive at the end of June and also she has moved to her big bed, affectionately known as her 'good girl bed' -her name for it not ours, please don't think we don't let her sleep in her bed if she's not been good! We've had no problems in the transition and not woken up in the night, or even left the bed in the morning-she still calls us into her room. Had a few nights on the second week with her crying about an hour after going to bed, but that I'm sure was to do with those naughty back teeth.
We're having some problems with her hitting and having meltdowns and I think this is because she is OT (and the new baby). Since we moved her to her big bed she's been waking up much earlier (6:30/7:00 whereas she used to sleep until 7:30-8:00) and therefore much more tired in the day, her nap has moved from 12:30-13:00 to 10:30-11:30 and she's only sleeping for and hour, maybe 90mins where as she used to sleep for over two hours. This makes for a long afternoon and by dinner time she just is so upset and can be set off into crying and crying by the littlest of things-like the giving her the 'wrong' cup or get frustrated when tidying up if things aren't going into the box easily. Whenever we're out and about in the car she tells me she's tired (funny how she won't admit that at bedtime) and it makes me feel bad that I'm taking her out when she's tired, but I doubt we'd ever leave the house if I waited for her not to be tired! She seems to want to lay on the sofa with a pillow and watch a film (which up until about a month ago would never sit still for longer than 15mins) with a really glazed look on her face, and it's a bit sad seeing her so lacklustre.
She seems to need 13 hours sleep at night, and still needs at least two hours in the day. I understand that seems a lot for her age, but that's when she's happiest.
Can anyone give me some advice?
Thanks. Catherine.