It was actually an ok night last night
He didn't get to bed early. We had a small snafu, so he went down at his normal bed time of 7:45, but then he slept until 6:30!! I honestly think he might have slept longer, but I forgot to put him in a size 5 diaper for night time so he had a small accident. Woke up wet. Mommy fail.
We had a rough day at preschool this morning. It's only his 2nd week (6th day total), so he's having some trouble getting settled into the routine. I'm a teacher at the same school, and unfortunately he saw me out with my class a couple of times and that made it worse. I think he wore himself out.
His teachers are great with him, but I'm sure this SA has an affect on his sleep, too.
I feel like a bad mommy, but I know things will get better. We both just have to hang in there. And now this post has gone off topic. Back to sleep issues. He's napping now; we got down right on time, so I am hoping for a good 2hr nap, and then we will have a great afternoon from there. Power of positive thought and all
Thanks for letting me vent,