Author Topic: Is this a phase???  (Read 1575 times)

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Offline rugbykaf

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Is this a phase???
« on: September 17, 2011, 19:46:55 pm »

Not sure which section to put this in . . .

We've just had the evening feed from hell!  My boys are 4.5 months (a crazy time I know), they've been having rubbish naps but seem to have improved over the last week or so.

Tonight, they both cried inconsolably during their last feed before bed.  This has happened on and off since about 6 weeks but never this bad.  I think I can confidently rule out reflux as I've had them on meds and it hasn't made any difference.  Some nights they are perfectly fine and others they are terrible.  Plus, they will happily lay down flat straight after a feed.

I'm thinking along the lines of OT as there was a definate pattern - when their daytime naps were short their bedtime feed was bad.

However . . . as I said their naps have been improving and today they had 1hr 45, 2.5hrs and a 30min catnap.  Brilliant I thought!  But no . . . their bedtime feed was the worst ever!

They've been fairly happy on much less sleep than this so what's going on?

Teething? . . . don't think so, will happily suck their thumb.

Reflux? . . . possibly, but they're only like this on bedtime feed and will happily lay flat (once settled).

Over tired? . . . this was what I was going with but they've had 2-3 days of pretty good naps.

Developmental? . . . that's all I can think of, I've heard of these "wonder weeks" but don't know much about them.  Apparently they can be fussier at these times?

Please help, I want my textbook/angel babies back  :-[


Offline Lolly

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Re: Is this a phase???
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2011, 20:29:12 pm »
Hmmmm - I have a not so useful "who knows!" for you really!

If their naps were better today maybe they weren't tired enough tonight so were protesting going to bed? They had a lot of day time sleep, especially if they are used to shorter naps :-\.

How are feeds the rest of the day going? Are they taking a good amount? Which flow teats are they on now?


Offline rugbykaf

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Re: Is this a phase???
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2011, 21:05:58 pm »
Hi, thanks for the quick reply . . .

I hadn't thought of UT but i dont think so as they were actually gettin grouchy before their bathand just got worse after that. Plus when idid put them to bed they fell asleep pretty quickly.

Surely they wud hav been happier during bath time if it was UT?

The rest of their feeds r ok, although DT1 has been taking less on a few feeds recently.  They r on medium flow teats and have been for nearly 2 months now. Do u think it might be frustration?

Ive just never had crying like tonight before, ive always been able to settle them really quickly . . . like in less than a min or so!  Whats gone wrong?

Offline Lolly

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Re: Is this a phase???
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2011, 21:18:37 pm »
They could just be tired then, or developmental, or teeth, or coming down with something, or..... can't think of anything else off hand!

This is the trouble with babies, so much is guess work until they have words! ::) ;)

I would say keep an eye on them health wise, maybe try the faster teat and fingers crossed it's a phase that passes quickly if there's nothing obvious wrong.

Offline rugbykaf

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Re: Is this a phase???
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2011, 21:34:49 pm »
Thanks . . . yeah of course i'll keep an eye on them healthwise.

Your completely right about the guesswork but u just hope there might be simple answer dont u  :)

And i just think its a bit odd that they were both like it tonight. I mean i know their identical twins but . . .  :-\