So K just turned one (!!) and we still have a very stubborn NF. She's never been a great night sleeper - taking awhile to do nice long stretches... and we were at 2 NFs for a long time... But that disappeared on its own accord, and I've hoped and hoped that this one will simply vanish on its own, too. But she's one, and it hasn't yet. So I've been vacillating back and forth about what to do with and it's driving me - and my DH! - insane.
I need a plan. And I need to stick to that plan. But I can't figure out what The Plan should be.
Should I just make peace with the 1 NF? And if so, should it matter WHEN the NF is? About a month ago, there were a couple wks where she was sttn about 2-3 times/wk, and on the other nights, the NF was around 4-ish a.m. But recently, the sttns have disappeared and the NFs are 12-2-ish a.m.... So - for those of you who have BTDT and went this route - did you set a time on it? - like no NFs before 3 a.m.? And if LO *did* wake before then, you did PUPD or WIWO until the appointed time? Or did you just feed whenever?
OR should I bite the bullet, assume that the NF isn't going to disappear on its own, and put in a long week - or two or three! - of PUPD/WIWO?
I simply can't decide. On one hand, I have been much, much more...laidback with DD2 - wayyyy more than I ever was with DD1... and I've assumed more of a "it'll happen eventually" mentality with everything...
And so that part of me says I might as well go with the path of least resistance, feed her once a night - since it IS so quick and easy - and hope that she'll soon wean that on her own.
But on the OTHER hand, I often sit there, - like I did last night at 2 am - nursing her, and thinking, "REALLY!? You are 12 months old and over 20 lbs and you're waking up at 2 to eat?!?" And I resolve then and there that SOMETHING must be done....
And then it becomes morning, and all that resolve disappears... and I go back to, "'ll eventually go away, right?"
So what did you do? What was your plan?
Oh - FWIW - our routine is:
7 a.m. - wakeup
noon-2:30-ish - nap (today, for example, was noon-2:50)
7 p.m. - bedtime
One nap is still pretty new around here... doing 2 naps if wakeup is much before 6:30... but she's a pretty good napper and the one nap has been going pretty well...