Ok, so my 2.5 yr old DS figured out how to get out of his crib and open his door. Might not be so tragic for some, but I have been dreading this day as he has never wishfully wanted to take naps or go to bed (he's the strongly spirited, high energy type). I tried enticing him with a big boy bed today for his nap - he seemed excited, but after over an hour of up/down, in/out of room, I gave up. He showed no signs of sleeping, just playing.
I am 2 weeks away from having #2 and obviously need to nip this situation in the bud quickly.
As for naps, if he doesn't take one he's miserable all evening and gets aggressive. If I take him in the stroller or car, he's asleep in minutes, so I know he still needs it. Before he got out of the crib, he slept 1.5-2 hrs for his nap.
As for evenings, he goes through stages of getting up really early (5:30/6) and calling for me and/or fighting going to bed. If he can get out now, i'm afraid he'll just get out of his room anytime he wakes up.
So how do you keep a spirited little guy in his room. Should I just give up the crib now, set up the bed properly and keep taking him back every time he gets out? Did I mention how persistent he can be?
Any advice is greatly appreciated as the clock is ticking for number 2 to arrive!!!!!!!!!!!