Author Topic: 2 month old - congested since birth, excema getting worse, and has reflux??  (Read 1569 times)

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Wondering if anyone has any thoughts please.

E is now 2 months old, and is being treated for reflux as she spits up acid regularly, and is in pain with that.  7 weeks ago I cut out all dairy and soy as she was having terrible pain when passing wind, always grunting and lifting her legs up....and that has pretty much stopped since cutting them out  :).  BUT she has got excema on her cheeks that is getting progressively worse (covers her whole cheeks now) and she is also always congested and I am wondering if there is something else going on as well?  Has anyone got any thoughts as to what I should try next, or what might be causing this. 

Thanks ever so much xx
Claire x

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Re: 2 month old - congested since birth, excema getting worse, and has reflux??
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 14:11:34 pm »
my first thought was dairy and soy, but since you've already cut that out, it could be one of the other big allergens:  wheat, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts - have you tried eliminating anything else?

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Re: 2 month old - congested since birth, excema getting worse, and has reflux??
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 19:15:11 pm »
I would go allergen free completely and then trial them all back in

For us excema though flaired completely with allergins as soon as she had any food (she is now on low sal, rice is the only grain and meat NO allergins at all) it started back on...

Children with allergys/intollerences often have other atopic conditions such as excema, hayfever and asthma

my middle daughter was mpi and lactose intollerent and still sensnitve to high sals and her skins been amazingly bad she has to be wet wrapped alot and steroids every other month and milk directly effected it but after a while it made no difference

so in short it might be related but it might not be as such

DD1 Angel/Spirited - Glue ear
DD2 Angel - MPI, Excema, Late talker
DD3 Angel - Milk,Soy, nut,egg intollerence, Saliciyte sensitivity, Reflux