Author Topic: We're in a bit of a mess. Please help  (Read 942 times)

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Offline *foxy*

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We're in a bit of a mess. Please help
« on: October 09, 2011, 17:45:25 pm »

My 13mo daughter has recently been having lovely 2-2.5 hour naps in the day and although she has never been reliable at night we were getting more regular sleep throughs and wake ups at about 6.30am.

But for some reason we are now getting Long NW's (2-3 hours), short NW's (5mins) about 2-3 times a night, short naps (1 hour) and EW's (5am). Whats going on???????

She woke twice last night - 10.30pm (she settled quickly) and 3am, my DP slept next to her in the bed in her room as she wouldnt settle and we are very tired at the moment. She woke for the day at 7.15am so he put her down for her nap at 11.15 (Im trying to push this out to 5 hour A time) and she only slep for 50mins. He then tried for a pm nap but she refused it. Her usualy bedtime is 7pm and tonight we've put her down and shes asleep at 6.15pm.

Her usual routine is:

Wake 6.30
Breakfast 7.30

Nap 11 (normaly for 2-2.15 hours but now its around 1 hour)
Lunch 1
Tea 5
Bath 6
Bed 7

Does anyone have any idea why her naps have suddenly cut short? Im sure this is why shes become OT and why we're getting NW and EW


Offline Roseii

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Re: We're in a bit of a mess. Please help
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2011, 17:53:17 pm »
Hi there, is she teething? Could she be waking in pain?
Also how long has she been on one nap? Often they take to one nap great, do lovely long naps, then OT sets in and catches up. What you could do is try throwing in a 2 day nap every few days, do an AM cat nap (30 mins) then a good pm nap and normal/slightly later than normal bedtime...How does that sound?
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Offline *foxy*

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Re: We're in a bit of a mess. Please help
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2011, 18:07:42 pm »

Yes we think she must be teething, shes quite dribbly and points to her mouth and does the pain sign, so we give pain meds before bed. She been on one nap for about a month probably. She had 2 naps at nursery (Wed and Fri, one hour for both am and pm) and also on Thursday I do 2 naps still as we currently have a swimming lesson when she has her one nap. I worry that this really throws her out but we've only just got her settled in nursery (its taken 3 months) and settled into a sleeping routine as some days she wasnt sleeping at all. What do you think?


Offline Roseii

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Re: We're in a bit of a mess. Please help
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2011, 20:03:42 pm »
Do the nursery set those naps at 1 hour each? I only ask as *generally* one cat nap and one longer nap tends to work better at this age (or one long nap) not 2 average length naps yk? :-\
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Offline *foxy*

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Re: We're in a bit of a mess. Please help
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2011, 07:17:55 am »
Yeah, I know what you mean. They put them all down at the same time (because they all like doing the same thing at the same time apparently) then they just let them sleep. She usually has 2 1 hour naps but sometimes she'll have a 30min am nap and a 1 hour 20min pm nap. Should I ask them to cap the am nap? I'm just grateful that she's sleeping!

Last night she only woke once at 11 and was quick to settle then woke up at 6am so had almost 12 hours. Any tips for the nap(s) today?


Offline Roseii

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Re: We're in a bit of a mess. Please help
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2011, 10:31:27 am »
If it was me I would ask them to cap the AM nap and hope for a longer PM one..Perhaps you could ask them to try for a few days and if it's not working then revert to just letting her sleep as long as she will?

Great night! Sorry I'm a bit late, have you put her down for any naps yet? x
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race

Offline *foxy*

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Re: We're in a bit of a mess. Please help
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2011, 11:24:53 am »
Yeah, I put her down at 11. We have a sing and sign class at 9.35 on a monday morning so we went to that, she ran around for half an hour so hopefully shes lovely and tired and will have a good nap. She's had 9oz of milk and pain meds, can't think what else I can do.
She went to sleep in 5mins, I just hope she's not OT! She had a 5 hour A time so it wasn't too long.

I'll ask at nursery and see what happens. They can do one nap but most of the babies have 2 naps and I'm not sure she'd like it. She moves up to the next class soon
