The issues did start with the move to the toddler bed. Previously he was sleeping in a travel tent bed...he learned to get out of his crib at 18 mo and around the same time we went on vacation and used this travel bed, well he slept wonderfully so he's been sleeping in that until now. He has since learned how to get out of the travel bed so we figured if we were going to fight keeping him in a bed it would be the bbb and not the travel bed.
He has all his teeth...2nd molars came in about two months ago, which did cause a few problems at the time.
So you think I should put him down around noon rather than 1:00?
Also, I was looking through the various topics on the website and found one where someone posted that as long as the child is not crying to leave them be...let them play and the novelty will wear off. My only concern with that is the OT child!

I don't want a cranky 2 yo while I'm trying to manage a newborn!

We are attempting to use a light on a timer to tell him when he can get out of bed, which works 75% of the time...usually during the 2-3 hours before he falls asleep he is in his bed. Finally, what should we do during the 2-3 hours that he is in there talking, singing, playing with his blankets, and occasionally getting out of the bed? We've been laying outside his door (there is a baby gate up so he can't see us) watching him to make sure he stays in bed. When he starts to get out we tell him to 'get back in bed, lay down and go to sleep'. But it is eating up so much of my day (5-6 hours / day) which I think is contributing to my frustration with the situation.
Thanks for your help!