playing it by ear over here...I have gotten more and more flexible since emma came along, but that's because she has angel wings ;-)
to give you an idea - last sat we were invited to a 5-9pm ish kids' party so we did -
Sat am Oscar 6.30am up, football, kids' event, left after dinner 4pm, forced a car nap (told him we wouldn't be going to next fun unless he slept) and he did a 4.30 to 5.15pm nap) and then we were well able for a 10pm sleeptime and an 8am wake sunday with an early bedtime sunday night at 6.30pm, 7am wakeup Monday morning
Emma, woke her for football 8am, same catnap in car but much longer - I sat with her and woke her after an hour (she was overtired after long week in preschool) and then she did a 9,30 pm sleep time, 8am wake on Monday....
I used to get myself in a right mess with Oscar and clocks changing and rightly so, even remember a half term when I went home so had a 2 hr clock change in one night (with hour diff btw Warsaw and Dublin) and had some lovely 4-5am wakings for the half term he was 2.5 (and I was heavily pg LOL).
Good luck everyone, with O we'll try and continue the 8pm bedtimes with 7am rising times for now and will be at 6am from end of Oct for a while...
S x